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From the office or the field, CoConstruct keeps you on top of your projects, and in control of your business. Win more jobs, run them better, and control your financials -- all while making the building process a joy for your customers, from pre-sale to warranty.

Simplified Project Management: Coordinate scheduling between the field and the office through CoConstruct's cloud-based system. Stay connected to our team and keep projects moving.

Seamless Communication: Stop losing money from poor communication with clients and trade partners. Access all project communication in seconds and document every message.

Streamlined Financials: Manage fixed-price and open-book jobs and create change orders painlessly. Generate more revenue for your building company and have peace of mind.

Focused Operations: Run your business the way you want to. Keep your sales pipeline full, customize your account with specialized branding, and master every detail of every project.

CoConstruct/Minding My Books New User Promo! New users to Right Networks Business Cloud are eligible for a 20% discount for their first 3 months with Expensify!





QuickBooks Compatibility:

QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks Online